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The Parvovirus Saga!

– written: Tayo Faloye

I was raving when our dog caught the killer Parvo disease. How could it have happened when she had started getting her vaccines and received two shots already? The third shot was a bit delayed due to a sudden scarcity at the period, so the Vet couldn’t meet the mandatory three weeks intervals for shots to be given until completion. And, boom, in-between she contracted the virus. She was barely 4 months old.

By the second day of her infection, our worries mounted because she wasn’t eating again and losing stamina amidst chronic diarrhea (profuse stooling, with blood in her vomits). Her vet wasn’t handy too due to distance from us and traffic. Parvo kill dogs in a matter of days. I would wake up in the middle of the night to check on her. I was afraid she could be dead before dawn. She’s our lovely baby companion.

Then wifey remembered one of her friends who has a dog at home. She put a call through to enquire if they have a vet residing within proximity. Her friend went on to narrate how they had previously lost 3 dogs to Parvo until they met a dog breeder who treated and saved their current dog after it contracted the virus too. We contacted the breeder and he came over promptly.

He set out to work after we haggled and I was left with no choice than to grudgingly agree to his fee. The dude dey nack bill o. Injections, drips, drugs and all were administered for about a week. He came everyday and left instructions on what to be done per day as her medicare progressed. Amidst her treatment, I had to forego work on a particular day to observe her. The situation was that ugly. To cut the story short, our dog survived! I was relieved. Seeing her gradually nibbling her food, regaining strength and slowly returning to her hyperactive ways after over a week of harrowing battle gave me joy.

Now, to the real gist. As the breeder came treating our dog, he spoke with so much flair and authority about his job. He’s a full time Dog Breeder, probably in his late 30’s or early 40’s, fair in complexion, tall, thickset, well spoken and a university graduate of Engineering, who isn’t ashamed of the business he does. Having started breeding dogs over a decade ago as a passion, he opted to discard his Engineering certificate to settle for Canine Engineering (Dog farming) on a big scale. He undergoes trainings and uses YouTube to sharpen his skills to stay relevant.

At the time we contacted him, he had about 25 dogs of different breeds ready for new homes. A couple of days after, they were all or mostly sold out. The least of his dogs cost about N60,000. Now, do the maths. In his words: “money flows in from every angle. It’s like I have a bank at home.” Aside that, he’s widely consulted and ferried about on the healthcare side of the business by high net worth individuals.

“Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.” (Proverbs 22: 29).

While interacting, he was alarmed when he learnt what it cost me to acquire our dog, saying I got her for cheap, and warned I should never sell for that price when she gives birth. “Contact me when it’s time and I will market for double the price for you,” he advised. What an assertion! Perhaps, it should be considered an understatement that he knows his onions despite not being a Veterinarian but just a regular dude commercializing his passion. It wasn’t difficult taking a liking to him for his business mien, openness and positive outlook to life. And, I ensured he took over the vaccination of our dog from where the Vet left off.

Do opportunities unveil themselves any better than this? There are unexplored goldmines around us only if we care to dig deep enough to unearth them. Why remain unproductive with all the opportunities that abound? Why channel energy into unprofitable ventures when there’s a well of potentials, talent, and resources around and within us? Why stay stuck in an unfulfilling job when we could thrive in a passion turned to a profession?

Today, get deliberate, explorative and practical about life. The willpower to create your circumstances is bestowed and within you. Use it.

I hope this Dog Breeder’s story inspires somebody.

– Tayo Faloye ©

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