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After the entries are closed and candidates are shortlisted by the Panel of Judges, it’s our plan to host a modest award presentation ceremony to winners, acknowledge sponsors, donors, judges, media partners and all contributors.

In view of that, we have projected the award to take place on the 19TH JUNE, 2021 to commemorate the WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY on that date.

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is the most common genetic disorder and one of the major chronic non-communicable diseases affecting the world, mostly among blacks. The impact on the family is worse in developing countries such as Nigeria because of inadequate awareness, social welfare and health care services.

In Nigeria, it is estimated that about 150,000 children are born with sickle cell anaemia annually, with a prevalence of 20–30% of 1000 live births. The life expectancy of patients with SCD is quite variable. Some pass away at an early age whilst others are able to live active lives, with a handful living until an advanced age.


• Expanding and consolidating brand affinity amongst the Sickle Cell community in Nigerian.

• Enhanced corporate image in the Nigerian project and serves as a CSR platform for the brand.

• Opening up a new health investment vista for the brand in one of the highest grossing and saturated healthcare sector in the Nigeria.

• Providing brands with an innovative and cutting-edge advantage amongst other competitors in the healthcare sector.



Strong visibility among the SCD community, including:
• Micro families
• Caregivers
• NGOs & Advocates for SCD
• Healthcare Practitioners
• Policy makers
• Competitors, students, educators, influencers • Local and international media


Excellent opportunity to position your organization as a community spirited and socially-responsible industry player.


• An award presentation and closing ceremony to present winners’ prizes to be attended by Industry Leaders, Business Moguls, Influencers, VIPs, Government Officials and participants.

• High profile members of Panel of Judges chosen from prominent personalities, Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.

• A customized conference program tailor-made for the project to suit sponsors and partners.


Get access to the open market through:

• A marketing campaign that will span all traditional and digital marketing and advertising media across Nigeria.

• Opportunities to place your logo on the website, event branding and promotional materials, event handbooks, prize package bags/casing, and other available channels.

• An audience of over 2000 followers across social media, website and other digital platforms for the SCAP, including influencers platforms, Promoters platforms and sponsored adverts on social media, etc.

• A space to engage visitors with your brand through interactive activities and experiential marketing.

So, Why Wouldn’t You Partake In This Noble Cause?



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