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Consolidating Career with Communication

Hello, I’m Tayo Faloye, a Business Communication Strategist and I have an interesting book on Career & Communication to introduce to you all.

Before I go further, let me first set the record straight. I’m not a Human Resources Executive and the idea of writing this book is not from the HR scope, but inspired by my personal experiences, encounters and memories (mixed) while job scouting and holding down some paid employments.

Creativity could only take the credit for helping to transmute that concept into the concrete realm of a book through fusing things never previously imagine or tried, by seeing what others see but thinking what no one else may have thought on getting employed and staying in there, of course!

Sequel, I present to you: “Consolidating Career with Communication”, a Career book written from the scope of Communication sparsely splattered with personal experiences and challenges in the labor market with a hidden disability to impart knowledge and create solutions for those who are job hunting or working, whether abled persons or those living with a disability.

The 250+ page book gives insight into a wide range of career topics bordering majorly on effective communication as solutions. You will get to learn about conducting pinpoint job searches, creating subliminal CV laced with ATS keywords, understanding remote work, disability management in employment, 50 interview questions and answers and other great informative career subjects.

I bet you don’t want to miss out on this value loaded dream guide with cutting-edge strategies for today’s employment industry. Grab a copy now.

Original Price: N5,000
Promo Price: N4,200

For Payment Booking, kindly click: https://paystack.com/pay/6lrxpqafts

Buy a soft copy online at: https://selar.co/CCCbook

Contact us for enquiries & payment info via –

WhatsApp or text: 08086069226.

Email: info.grandscope@gmail.com

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