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SICKLE CELL: Red Umbrella Walk 2019

By: Tayo Faloye

The Red Umbrella Walk 2019, tagged: #ShoutItOut4SCD, to commemorate the World Sickle Day, took place today at the Unilag Sports Centre where the walk kicked off and rounded off. The massive turnout for the events by SCD Warriors, Sponsors, Caregivers, Healthcare Service Providers, Volunteers, Collaborators, Paramedics and the General Public was unprecedented.

Yinka Davis was on ground for the takeoff. There were no shortages of pressmen and media representatives to give the event maximum coverage.

It’s no gainsaying that Sickle Cell Anaemia is endemic in Nigeria and the number one country ravaged most in the world by it. Over 150,000 babies are born yearly in the country with the disorder while over 40 million people have the traits or are carriers. According to a 2014 statistics by the World Health Organisation (WHO), about 100,000 babies die every year from the disorder. Hence, with these data, it isn’t farfetched why the Coalition of Sickle Cell NGOS in recent years come together to host the Red Umbrella Walk annually to raise awareness to SCD and advocate for persons living with it.

Fidelity Bank once again rose to the occasion by sponsoring the event. Other organizations were on hand too to support the cause for a successful outcome. There was adequate provision of free T-shirts, umbrellas, water, logistics, security before and during the procession. Refreshments, fun fair and exhibition happened right after the walk. It’s was a noble and memorable event not worth missing.

Together, we can continue to raise awareness to the scourge and beat back the breeding cycle of Sickle Cell babies in Nigeria.

#redumbrellawalk2019 #sicklecell #sicklecellanemia #sicklecellawareness
#shoutitout4scd #worldsicklecellday #WSCD #knowyourgenotype
#DisconNg #MissionAAA #GrandscopeMedia

– Disability & Sickle Cell Organization of Nigeria (DISCON)

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  1. Thank you to those who participated in this event. Thank you to Fidelity Bank for caring enough to sponsor this event. I’m 47 years old living in New York City, USA with SS Sickle cell disease. God bless🙏🏾

    • Thank you, Warrior.
      Disability & Sickle Cell Organization of Nigeria (DISCON) is coming up with a programme aimed at taking awareness to rural areas. We are seeking funds and donation to make it happen. We would be glad to have you partner with us. God bless

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