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By Tayo Faloye, March 5, 2022.

This generation is at a precipice.
It has never been this bad.

This young dude, 34, had come to see me in my small office about two weeks ago or more seeking to be employed. In the process of having a quick chat with him, i requested for his CV. He had none and started blabbing.

Exasperated, i went on a talk admonishing and encouraging him at the sane time. You can’t be seriously looking for a job without having CVs you go around with to prospective employers. I regaled him how i got my first official job after my NYSC service year as an ICT Tutor in a Private School through the Guardian Newspaper.

I had bought a higher education notebook used for writing application letters and always had a a number of hard copies of my CV at home with envelopes, which i took around during job hunting. I would go to business centres around town where they normally bought Tuesday Guardian Newspaper weekly, sit down there to write out job vacancies that fall within my skills-sets or make photocopies, then get home to write application letters. This is followed by visits to the post office to purchase stamps for posting the letters. Sometimes, my visit would be to a cybercafé to send applications online where an email address is indicated for such a vacancy.

He was grateful for the advise and promised to return the following day. He did. He came back with a letter and CV without an envelop and formal address. Told him i would get back to him.

On another recent one, i had referred one of our ex-trainees, a graduate, to go apply for the job of a secretary at a law office over a month ago. She had contacted me via WhatsApp that she needed a job. A Barrister acquaintance had repeatedly told me he needed a Secretary, so i told her to go fill the vacuum.

When the lady dropped by at the office to greet me a few days ago, i asked her how her new job was going, thinking she must have started working at the law firm. When she said she hadn’t been called since she went to apply, i requested to view her CV.

“I don’t have a CV yet Sir,” she responded indifferently.

“So, how did you apply for the job”? I asked, bemused.

“I called when you gave me his contact and he said i should submit my application. I wrote an application letter and submitted it. I have not heard from him since.” She replied.

“You only submitted a letter without attaching a CV?” I queried.

“Yes Sir.”

I was almost putting my hands on my head screaming ‘MOGBE’! 🙆

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